The Truck Camper is the living area the camper unit mounted on the loading platform of a 4-wheel drive truck. This RV option is very handy for city traffic and perfect for driving on gravel and unpaved roads. Gravel roads allowed without surcharge. They can sleep up to three people, however, we recommend them for two adults. There are three Truck Camper categories available, which differ in age of the RV and therefore in rental rate. Truck Campers are available in Anchorage, Fairbanks, Whitehorse and Seattle, and we allow one-way rentals Pick Up Huren Amerika all our stations. Categories Gold: vehicle model years Silver: vehicle model years Bronze: vehicle model years. Floor plans and layouts vary between models. W e can only guarantee a category, not a specific model. The following overview will give you an idea about the amenities and specifications of our Truck Campers. Please note that all specifications and layouts are approximate and may vary depending on the model assigned upon pick up. Every Truck Camper is equipped with the essentials such as a spare tire, propane tank, sewer hose, power cord etc. Standard Equipment is included in every rental. In addition, convenience kits kitchen and personal kits can be included in your booking. They contain the respective Pick Up Huren Amerika you need for your upcoming adventure. Additional rental items such as axe, MIFI, GPS etc. Not all items may be available, price will be adjusted accordingly at pick up. Items taxed according to tax rate at pick up location. Outlets do not function on camper battery. Your daily rental rate depends on the amount of miles you want to include. You have the option to include no miles, miles per day or unlimited miles. If you choose one of the first two options, you can add as many miles as you want either pre or post paid. See Optional Charges for more details. We offer different vehicle categories depending on the age of the model: Gold: vehicle model years Silver: vehicle model years Bronze: vehicle model years. Purchase of the Collision Damage Waiver CDW is required for all confirmed reservations, unless all drivers have proof of valid US insurance covering the rented unit s. Proof of insurance must be provided and approved at least 72 hours prior to pick up date. Please mention during booking if you plan to provide your own insurance. Damage to glass and tires is not included nor is road-hazard damage. The preparation fee includes in-depth cleaning and sanitation above industry standards. All units are subject to a thorough 98 point mechanical and maintenance check before each rental. In addition, all truck campers and motorhomes come equipped with our Standard Equipment. Please note that all vehicles must be returned with a full tank of gasoline and both propane tanks filled. Depending on your pick up location, the taxes shown will be added to the rental rate as well as all mandatory and optional charges. Please note that taxes may be lower for long term rental depending on your pick up location. Application of taxes on mandatory and optional charges also vary between pick up locations. Please contact us for more details. We allow one-way rentals between all our rental stations. There is a mandatory one-way fee, unless you have taken advantage of one of our one-way specials.
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